Friday, October 28, 2011

Rough Week

When I venture out with my kids, I am often stopped by people to ask questions about my girls. By far the most common question is "are they twins?"  The second question I hear a lot is "Are twins more work than a single child?"

Of course twins are more work, however, I have never had a single child so I don't know the differences.  I have stayed home with them since they were born, and aside from the brief times where one girls stays at a grandparents house, I always have both of them.  Day to day life has become routine and easier.

When they were young and not sleeping through the night, life was hectic.  Looking back I barely remember the first few months of their lives, I just remember being exhausted.  Life is still hectic, but in a different way.

The girls are fantastic about most things.  They can almost dress themselves, they pick out their own food, and clean up after themselves.  Usually they love playing with each other, there are days when they don't want to be around each other though.  I have set strict boundaries about what is allowed and what isn't, and both girls follow the rules most of the time.

Now that they are 19 months old, the most hectic part of life has become trying to find time for everything they want to do and everything I want them to do.  I find it hard to spend one on one time with either girl.   We try to work experiences into everyday activities and playing.

This last week has been tough on our family.  I was sick most of the week which left Charles completely in charge.  He has always downplayed how much work raising twins is and how stressful it can be.  When I got better, my mom told me Charles called her to tell her he didn't know how I do it every day.

The answer is yes, raising twins is harder than a single child, but it gives twice the joy.