Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Learning new words

Watching my daughters grow has been the greatest joy of my life.  Seeing them smile for the first time took my breath away.  Everyday they learn something new and the world is fascinating to them.  Recently they learned how to drink out of big girl cups and now refuse to drink from sippy or straw cups. 

They have been talking for awhile now.  Nadia believes food is fish.  When she is hungry she says fish and points to the pantry.  Nicole has picked up on this and calls food fish also.  They have been saying mom and dad since they were about 10 months old.

Nicole learned two things today.  She has loved giving adults hugs and often greets Grandparents and Dad with a huge hug when she sees them.  Today though she has discovered she can also give her sister hugs.  She spent quite a lot of time following Nadia around today giving her hugs.  Nadia didn't seem too impressed.

The other thing Nicole learned today was to tell us no.  She isn't terrible about it, yet.  She started telling us no if she doesn't want the "fish" we offered, or no to are you ready for bed.  During bathtime tonight Charles asked her if she could say Daddy and she said no.  After bathtime he asked her again if she could say Daddy and she told him no again. 

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