Saturday, October 22, 2011

Nalley Chili

One of my all time favorite foods is chili.  My Grandpa made the best chili I have ever had.  I have his recipe but I can't make it quite as great as his.  In a pinch I love a good canned chili.  Growing up in Washington I took Nalley Chili for granted.

When we moved to Las Vegas in 2007 I was shocked when I went to the grocery store and there was no Nalley Chili.  I tried many different brands but none could stand up to Nalleys.  On the few trips to Seattle I have made in the past couple years I have always bought a few cans of Nalley Chili.

Our friends in Phoenix are also from the Seattle/Tacoma area and recently returned from Washington.  They also are Nalley Chili fanatics and were upset to find no Nalley Chili in Arizona.  They brought back a few cans of chili with them and today for lunch we will be having wonderful Nalley Chili Dogs.

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