Friday, October 21, 2011

Phoenix or Bust

When Nadia and Nicole were a few months old, we took two trips to Seattle to visit family.  They were driving trips and we didn't stay very long.  Charles had used most of his vacation while the girls were still in the NICU.

Today we are loading up the van with all the trappings 19 month old twins need to survive a weekend away from home and setting out to Phoenix.  We have old family friends who live there and we are taking a much needed vacation.  There are plans to visit a pumpkin patch, go to the zoo, and smoke an amazing pork roast

The thought of two young children strapped in car seats for a 6 hour drive is bad enough, but we are also on the verge of a potty training breakthrough (Nadia used the potty on her own yesterday).  There will be many pit stops, lots of crying (Mom and daughters I am sure), but a great time.  Wish us luck and thank you to my friend for staying at our house to care for all of our assorted animals.

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