Thursday, October 20, 2011

Good Day

Some days it is hard to tell if my daughters like each other.  They fight over toys, fight over me, fight over Dad.  It seems I am constantly telling them to be nice, don't hit, and to share the toys.  These days make me wonder if all twins dislike each other.

Then a day like today comes along and I am reminded that no matter how crabby they have been to each other, my girls really do love the other twin.

This morning Nadia was placed in time out for repeatedly climbing into the dishwasher, yes into it.  When Nadia was placed in time out, Nicole decided to sit quietly next to Nadia.  Every time we tried to distract Nicole away, she went right back to Nadia.  We gave up and let Nicole sit in time out with Nadia.  For the whole day, any time one of them cried the other one went to check on them.

There were still a few skirmishes between the two, but not nearly as many as usual.  When it was time to get ready for bed, we told the girls it was time to pick up their toys.  Nadia rushed over and started putting toys away.  Nicole was sad that it was bed time and sat to cry.  After some consoling we asked her if she wanted to put her blocks away.  She got up and put one in the toy box.  Nadia started clapping.

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