Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Raising twins on a single income takes some creativity.  I am always looking for ways to save money and time.  One of our largest expenses is food.  I am always happy when I can find a way to save both money and time on food.

Mornings are always semirushed in my house.  Nadia and Nicole are hungry when they wake up and I dislike giving them cereal all the time.  We purchase a 10 pound bag of pancake mix for under $8.00 at the warehouse store.  The bag makes 80 servings.
We pre-make waffles when we have free time and freeze them.  When it is time to feed the girls, we stick their waffles in the toaster.  To make the waffles a little healthier, we mix in quick oats for insoluble fiber and either grated carrots or zucchini for some veggies into the batter.  We have also considered adding in grated sweet potatoes patted dry, but have not done this yet. We do not use syrup in the house to cut back on refined sugar.

The other trick is to keep the waffles interesting.  There are many things you can add to the batter to liven things up.  I typically add vanilla extract, cinnamon, or other yummy flavors.  We have tried powdered chai mix and cardamon.  I also add water based food colorings to make them more fun.  Charles loves to take his waffles and use them to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich that he eats on his way to work.

Depending on what you add into the waffles, they come to about $0.09 per serving.

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